Things To Do Around The Heritage Corridor this Fall Fall into Fun!

Holiday Owl Prowl for Adults

27064 S Dutton Rd Beecher, IL

Dates: Dec. 27, 2024
times: 4:30pm-6pm
Location: Goodenow Grove Nature Preserve, 27064 S Dutton Rd, Beecher, IL

Who goes there? Winter may seem like a quieter time for birds, but it is a special time for owls in our woods! Join us to learn about the owls of Will County and what makes this time of year special to listen for them. After an introduction to our local owls, we will head out on a quiet hike listening for our nocturnal neighbors.

Fee: Free! Age: Ages 18 and older. Registration required by Monday, Dec. 23, by calling 708-946-2216 or online.

This program takes places entirely outdoors. Dress for the weather and use caution while walking outdoors as snow and ice may be present on the paths and in parking lots. This hike will be up to 1.5 miles on paved and natural surfaces over uneven terrain. Anyone who requires an auxiliary aid or service to participate in this program should submit a request online no later than 48 hours before the program.

(Photo via Shutterstock)

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